Six key questions to ask about your next sales promotion

Discounting has its place for any brand within the annual sales promo calendar but it’s hardly a new, creative, and innovative idea to drive consumer spending.

Sure, you could just take the easy and risk-free route and slash a price.

But right now, retailers are competing fiercely for every penny of consumer discretionary spend, so it pays to stand out – and that’s why learning to leverage the Science of Sales Promotion will deliver significant return on investment.

Below are six questions you should ask yourself before launching a new discount-based sales incentive.

And if you like what you read, you can find even more tips by downloading our Science of Sales Promotion report, packed with ways for your brand to profit.

What pays better than discounting?

There are always plenty of variables and unknowns across every single promotion you will offer, but overall, there is evidence to show why smarter incentives win out over discounts.

From the wide range of historic promotions we’ve run for brands at Opia, 40-80% of consumers say the incentive influenced their buying decision with a third to a massive 70% saying they switched brand to take advantage of a promo.

When will the time of year make the biggest impact?

Whether it’s a seasonal promotion or an incentive planned around a sporting tournament such as the Super Bowl, FIFA World Cup, or Six Nations Rugby, there are tonnes of points throughout the year to take advantage of the Science of Sales Promotion.

Cashback during short-term tournaments can cost you 20-40% less than discounting while money-off purchases have proved to work extremely well at times of peak demand, for instance, Back to School.

How will we tempt consumers to trust us without cutting prices?

Offering people the chance to experience your product in their own home can prove extremely effective. It emphasises the faith you have in that product and can be run for a set period such as 30, 60, or 90 days. You can also offer these consumers a gift or cashback if they keep it – a combo that is far more enticing than a discount at point-of-sale.

Conversions are generally very high here with one promo run by Opia showing 34% of buyers wouldn’t have purchased had it not been for this incentive type.

Who will our smarter promos benefit the most?

Dare we say it, but everyone… from the consumer to category managers to shopfloor salespeople at retailers.

Having a clever and carefully designed promo that’s simple to explain and easy to demonstrate will convert increased consumer take-up vs discounts, empower sales staff to confidently push your brand, and save you 20-60% compared to traditional point-of-sale activations.

Where do the main risks come from?

Working with a trusted partner such as Opia can massively mitigate any risks. For instance, we’ve got a dedicated AI team on hand alongside fraud experts to identify threats to your promos and deter those trying to take advantage.

Other common worries might include the risk of costs spiralling out of control if your smarter promo goes extremely well. But at Opia we are experts at securing the right level of insurance – so if product flies off the shelf, the cost to your brand never goes above a certain level.

Why are smarter promos so effective vs discounting?

To put it simply, this comes down to data. Imaginative incentives don’t have to be a risk. They can be powered by historic data and analysis both from your brand and from Opia’s wealth of experience.

Knowledge + insight = inventiveness + predicted engagement – and these types of promotions give you the opportunity to gain even more data points from consumers to use in the future. Discounts don’t and can’t do that!

At Opia, we have a very particular set of skills, developed over a long period of time to reward your customers, and earn you more money.

Creative and innovative campaigns can be deployed with the speed and ease of a discount – and managed with exceptional levels of dedication and meticulous attention to detail.

To find out more, and for loads more tips and advice on the Science of Sales Promotion to boost your brand’s bottom line, download our report right here.

Three ways to seize sales success through smarter promotions

It’s a tough time to be a category manager.

Consumers are tightening their belts – focusing mainly on their daily or weekly essentials – and this is leaving retailers with a much harder job of capturing whatever discretionary spend is left.

Most deals are usually built around slashing prices, but this will never be the formula for long-term success. Sure, in the short-term discounting can boost your stagnant sales and help shift some end-of-line stock.

It’s simple. It’s fast. It’s proven.

However, all too often, it just becomes a race to the bottom.

So, what’s the better answer to incentivise consumer behaviour and boost sales?

Well, in today’s data-driven, insight-rich world of sales, it’s time for a calculated risk – one that will grab your chance to see the same sales levels as a discount programme, but at a lower total cost and with a juicier margin.

By harnessing the Science of Sales Promotion, you can deliver a range of smart promo options that cut straight through to consumers.

Here we’ll run you through three to think about – and you can find out more by downloading our Science of Sales Promotion report, packed with tips on ways for your brand to profit even further.

Cashing in with cashback

Cash can be the greatest of incentives – it’s an offer people can’t refuse – but cashback comes in many forms, from prepaid cards, transfer via PayPal, or using gift cards.

These promotions can be run with ease by a trusted partner through multichannel marketing and then managed across secure digital platforms.

And compared to traditional discounting, they work… and they work well. As your sales rise, cashback will cost you less: typically, between 20% and 40% less.

Top Tip: When offering cashback, keep the relative generosity of the offer to below 30% of the price to ensure costs are covered.

Grow your sales with gifting

Who doesn’t love a freebie? A great giveaway will always catch a customer’s attention and ensure they feel rewarded by your brand.

It will often encourage an impulse purchase too, one they’d not previous considered. For example, a new smartphone because it comes with a free telly or a new telly because it comes with a free pair of high-end headphones.

Freebies don’t have to be ‘product’. They can also take the form of credits for streaming platforms, cinema tickets, or VIP experiences.

Top Tip: Gifting associated products can be highly effective when used for a flagship product launch to generate buzz.

Triumphing through trade-in

Consumers are now far more educated on the effects of their purchases on the planet. In fact, 87% of Gen Zs believe companies must lead on the environment.

But finding the best way to recycle your old electrical items can be a massive and time-consuming pain.

Trade-in offers your brand the opportunity to take that chore off of the consumer’s shoulders and ensures you can tie a promo to your own ESG goals.

From cashback to money off a new product to cash + carbon offsetting, the trade-in options are diverse, giving you the best chance to capture extra sales.

Top Tip: Trade-in offers must make more sense financially for the consumer than simply selling an old device.

At Opia, we have a very particular set of skills, developed over a long period of time to reward your customers, and earn you more money.

Creative and innovative campaigns can be deployed with the speed and ease of a discount – and managed with exceptional levels of dedication and meticulous attention to detail.

To find out more, and for loads more tips and advice on the Science of Sales Promotion to boost your brand’s bottom line, download our report right here.

Opia announces a new sustainability-focused Trade-In Program for driving sales

Supported by their end-to-end promotional service, Opia’s new Trade-In Program enables brands to offer their customers an eco-friendly option for easily upgrading their devices.

London, UK, November 9th 2023 – Today, Opia, a global leader in strategic and tactical sales promotions, proudly unveils its sustainability-focused Trade-In Program. The program supports brands and retailers in enabling their customers to recycle their outdated devices and receive the highest trade-in value when upgrading to the latest models. Opia’s extensive network of recyclers ensures the best market value for the traded-in devices, while their end-to-end service provision ensures a consistently high-quality and convenient experience for both brands and customers.

“It's a transformative approach for brands and retailers seeking an uplift in sales and market differentiation that also supports their sustainability credentials," said Chief Operating Officer at Opia Laurent Kretzschmar. "With our excellent resources for validating claims, fraud prevention, orchestrating collection and returns, and handling end customer payments, we can ensure an exceptional customer experience, which contributes to strengthened brand reputation and, ultimately, growth."

Addressing the responsible handling of today’s rapidly changing electronic devices, from used Smartphones, laptops, and Smart watches to broken electronics or other home appliances, is critical. Opia works with its network of recyclers to optimise the usage of these unwanted devices that customers wish to trade in. Services include refurbishing and reselling devices, reusing salvaged components or, as a last resort, their ethical disposal. Their Trade-In Program can be seamlessly integrated as an easy, plug-and-play, always-on sales solution, making it a must-have for tech brands seeking to demonstrate their commitment to improving sustainability. With its comprehensive network of recycling partners, each specialising in certain product types, Opia can provide the most appropriate method of reusing or recycling constituent parts for almost any tech product. Moreover, brands and retailers can seamlessly switch between recyclers to ensure alignment with their current objectives.

About Opia

Opia helps brands and retailers maximise their sales and margins with efficient and disruptive sales promotions campaigns. Our experience expands into some of the biggest consumer brands in the world, including Google, Samsung, Microsoft, Dell, HP, Staples, Sonos and LG. Helping them achieve their sales objectives while protecting margins.

Our campaigns are built on proven mechanics that will drive sales, product upgrades and refresh and will achieve results at lower costs than price discounts can do.

We handle all aspects of your sales promotions from creative ideas, risk and compliance, data insight, fraud prevention, customer service team, logistics and more.


For more information: Opia | Trade-In Program | Recycle Your Old Device

Jasmine Gledhill – Head of Marketing – [email protected]

Fraud scrabble letters word on a orange background

How To Reduce Fraud on High-Risk Sales Promotions

Running successful sales promotions is a key strategy for many brands looking to boost their revenue and engage with their customers. However, as the number and diversity of digital transactions accelerate, so do the tactics used by those looking to exploit promotions for their own gain. This rise in promotional fraud can cause significant financial loss for your business and negatively impact its brand reputation.

We explored the rise in promotional fraud and what types of fraud are most prevalent in an earlier blog. Now, new data from Ekata reveals that ecommerce fraud is expected to exceed $48 billion in 2023, up from $41 billion in 2022. So, what can you do to minimise the risk to your business?

In this blog, we look at ways to help you tackle promotional fraud, first identifying what promotions are at the highest risk and then what strategies can be put in place to prevent it.

Understanding a promotion’s risks versus the benefits

As a global sales promotion agency, we’ve handled over 4 million claims across 40+ countries. So, when it comes to fraud, we fully understand the risks involved.

In general, the bigger and more widespread the promotion, the more likely it will be to be targeted by fraud. However, as these types of promotions also often generate some of the best revenue and awareness for your brand, we don't want to discourage you from running them. Yet, we do need to increase fraud awareness and implement robust prevention measures.

What sales promotions are at a high risk of fraud?

With our significant experience in designing and delivering sales promotions, we've identified several key aspects that can lead to a higher risk of fraud. These include:

  • Promotion type
  • Volume
  • Claim process
  • Other risks

Promotion type

Cashback campaigns are one of the higher-risk promotions. These are where monetary rewards are paid via digital prepaid cards, bank transfers or other specified methods to customers who purchase a designated product.

Prepaid cards can significantly increase risk, as they’re generally high value and desirable to the fraudster. By working closely with your prepaid card provider and sharing intelligence, you can work to reduce this threat.

Gift with Purchase promotions are also a top target for fraud. These offer customers gifts when they purchase a specified product, and typically, the higher the value of the gift, the higher the fraud risk.


High-volume promotions will understandably attract more fraud attacks as there are more opportunities. However, high volume also refers to the number of claims permitted per household. To reduce risk, submissions per household should be less than three.


Higher-value promotions are also very appealing to fraudsters, especially when gifts have a high resale value.

Claim process

The ways claims are processed also impact the prevalence of fraud, for example:

  • If photographic evidence of purchase is not required
  • If the promotion offers an instant claim period or instant validation
  • When claim processes use an algorithm that can be easily decoded

Put measures in place in your promotion to avoid these circumstances, and you'll quickly reduce fraudulent attempts.

Other risks

There are a whole variety of other factors that can make a sales promotion susceptible to fraud. A few key examples include:

  • A new promotion concept – these require a careful risk assessment
  • High marketing activity, which increases awareness and interest (sometimes from unwanted parties)
  • Multiple retailers or geographical locations used in the promotion
  • Promotions in high-risk territories
  • Terms and conditions that are complex to police
  • The use of certain branded gifts or retailers (there are trends for particular retailers to be targeted)

What strategies help reduce promotional fraud?

While fraud attacks are increasing and continually evolving, this should not deter you from leveraging the very effective tactic of sales promotions to drive sales and gain market share. However, it is essential that your fraud prevention strategies are regularly reviewed and updated to ensure they continue to offer the necessary protection.

At Opia, we have proven expertise in implementing fraud strategies that safeguard our clients and their promotional activity. Our Fraud Strategy Framework is made up of four key elements:

Prevention – proactively managing fraud risk

Detection – enhancing our technology, manual checks and knowledge

Investigation – consistently and thoroughly; saving intelligence for future prevention

Deterrence – making fraud attacks difficult by ensuring they result in severe consequences

Within this framework, there are specific key actions we advise implementing, particularly when running high-risk promotions. These include:

  • Delaying the fulfilment period for promotions by up to 30% of the fulfilment period for Gift with Purchase promotions and up to 50% for cashback promotions
  • Implementing stricter fraud policies, for example, using a higher percentage of checks when processing claims
  • Considering whether optical character recognition is a suitable tool for verifying claims and whether further manual checks are required
  • Regular reviewing fraud levels on your campaign to identify any red flags
  • Carrying out regular spot checks on all retailers, particularly those identified as high-risk
  • Monitoring of online traffic, identifying and evaluating any suspicious behaviour

These steps are some of the critical measures needed to minimise fraud in a high-risk promotion, helping to combat its costly impact on your business and its reputation.

However, every promotion is unique in its approach and will require a tailored approach to fraud prevention. By partnering with Opia, our skilled fraud team can support you in implementing robust strategies that ensure your sales promotions are protected.

To find out more, please get in touch with our team.

Christmas online shopping, sales and discounts promotions during the holidays

How Do Sales Promotions Tap into the Psychology of Buyer Behaviour?

Creativity and imagination are valuable attributes when designing sales promotions for your products and services. However, even the most ingenious concepts can fall flat if they don't resonate with your audience. For your business to succeed, you must understand the psychology behind your buyers’ behaviour to unlock the potential of your sales promotions.

At Opia, we recognise the profound need to understand your audience to capture their attention and influence their action effectively. In this blog post, we share how we tap into the psychology of buyer behaviour to create sales promotions that can drive your sales and growth to new levels.

The Power of Persuasion

At the heart of every successful sales promotion lies the art of persuasion. By leveraging psychological principles, we can transform your sales promotions from merely creative to highly effective ones that resonate deeply with your target audience.

Key factors involved:

1. Cognitive Bias

People often rely on cognitive shortcuts when making decisions:

Anchoring: This is where judgements are based on an initial piece of information. For example, in a pricing context, if a product's original price is set very high (the anchor), they may perceive any subsequent discounted price as a great deal.

Scarcity: This is when a higher value is placed on things that are limited in availability. Scarcity can also create a sense of urgency for fear of missing out. Both reactions will influence buyer behaviour.

Social proof: This is when customers look to others to affirm a decision or action. For example, customer reviews or endorsements can increase customer trust and confidence.

Understanding these cognitive biases allows us to design promotions that appeal to these natural tendencies.

2. Emotion-Centred Decision Making

Emotions play a significant role in consumers' choices, often more so than rational or logical considerations. Sales promotions that trigger positive emotions like excitement, joy, or even fear of missing out can be highly effective in driving decisions. Emotionally charged promotions or advertisements are also more likely to be shared and remembered.

At Opia, we appreciate the power of emotional connection. When designing your promotions, we aim to evoke specific emotions to instigate action from your audience. For example, a heartwarming story may be used to elicit feelings of empathy and connection with your target market. This emotional connection can translate into customer loyalty and engagement.

3. Reciprocity

The principle of reciprocity is another potent psychological tool that we leverage when designing our sales promotions. It involves offering something of value upfront, which encourages your customers to reciprocate by making a purchase.

Reciprocity is used across many of our promotional mechanics, for example, Cashback, Gift with Purchase and Trade-In promotions.

Crafting the Perfect Promotion

Now we've explored how psychological aspects influence buyer behaviour, let's explore how these can be integrated into a promotion to deliver successful results for your brand:

1. Know Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is the first step in creating effective promotions. What are their pain points, desires, and triggers? For us to tailor promotions so that they align with a market’s specific needs, we first need to gain this crucial understanding of your audience.

2. Align with Your Brand

When creating your promotions, we ensure they seamlessly align with your brand identity and values. This consistency builds trust and credibility, reinforcing the psychological connection between your brand and the customer.

3. Clear Communication

Clarity is key. We ensure that your promotions are communicated clearly and concisely. Ambiguity can lead to confusion and deter potential buyers.

4. Test and Adapt

The beauty of digital marketing is the ability to test and quickly adapt your strategies. By monitoring the performance of your promotions and gathering data, we can optimise the approach to ensure the best ROI.

Getting behind the psychology of your customers will help ensure the best results for your promotions. By tapping into cognitive biases, evoking emotions, and implementing the principle of reciprocity, we can help you craft promotions that not only capture attention but also drive conversions and brand loyalty.

Get in touch with our team today if you'd like help making psychology the superpower behind your promotions.

AI Spotlight: How Opia uses AI to elevate service delivery - Part 1: Claim handling

It's no secret that digital technology keeps evolving at lightning speed! With every article or post we read, there seems to be talk of new innovations. But there's one development in particular that's been turning heads and sparking conversations in recent years – AI!

At Opia, we're passionate about pushing the boundaries to find new and better ways to deliver our services. And AI is one tool that is helping to drive this progress and take our processes to the next level. The result? An improved customer experience that's more efficient, higher in quality, and delivers even greater value.

That's why we're excited to share our ‘Opia and AI’ 3-part mini-series, where we'll be delving into key areas of our business that have been transformed by AI-driven solutions. Get ready to dive into the fascinating world of AI and explore behind the scenes of how these impactful AI developments have become an invaluable asset for us at Opia.

Part 1: AI & Claim Handling

In part 1, we're taking a look at claim handling, one of the key services we provide that ensures our client's end customers enjoy a seamless experience of our promotions. But first, let's take a more general look at the transformational influence of AI.

What is AI, and how is it revolutionising the way we do business?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is pretty incredible! It involves developing computer systems that can do things we typically associate with human intelligence, like learning, problem-solving, and even communicating. The goal is to mimic or enhance human capabilities.

In recent years, AI has become a game-changer for businesses in various industries. Its ability to process massive amounts of data and make intelligent decisions has transformed the way organisations operate. It's all about boosting efficiency, improving the quality of products or services, and cutting operational costs. From streamlining complex workflows to optimising resource allocation, AI has opened up new doors for growth and innovation like never before.

AI finds its value in many different settings, but right now, it shines brightest when handling large amounts of data or taking care of repetitive tasks. By doing so, it frees up personnel to focus on more strategic or creative tasks. AI's knack for providing valuable insights from data and predicting outcomes also means it can enhance quality control and identify anomalies, which is a major advantage for countless organisations.

It's this ability to process large volumes of data that has had a huge impact on the efficiency of our claim handling.

Discover OCR: Our AI tool for efficient and accurate claim handling at scale.

At Opia, we work closely with leading global brands to create and manage a wide range of sales promotions. These promotions often require customers to submit evidence to validate their claims, such as receipts or product information. In the past, our dedicated team manually processed thousands of these claims each month, which consumed a significant amount of time and  effort.

The technology to convert handwritten or printed text into a machine-readable format has been around since the 1980s and 1990s. While it was hoped that this traditional OCR (optional character recognition) technology could save time and effort, back then, it still needed manual input to create templates and rules and review outputs.

But things have changed. We've embraced the power of AI, which now works in conjunction with OCR to create an automated system that delivers accurate results. Today’s AI-powered OCR has revolutionised our claim validation process. This amazing technology is able to analyse patterns of light and dark in scanned or photographed text to detect numbers and letters and create a machine-readable format. By leveraging machine-learning capabilities, AI-powered OCR can then analyse the information to make data-driven decisions and determine the validity of a claim.

We aim to use OCR validation on as many campaigns as possible. However, before each campaign gets started, we do a risk assessment to check its suitability in regards to fraud or complexity. For more complex campaigns, we sometimes opt to use human handling to ensure all intricacies are appropriately evaluated. Currently, a very large number of claims received by Opia are validated using AI, using one or more various solutions and 3rd party-platforms we have in place, and it has delivered several key benefits:

A better end-customer experience

By using AI-driven OCR, we can process customer claims much faster, often in a matter of a few minutes. This significantly improves the experience of customers who know almost immediately that they will get their reward. Furthermore, our clients benefit from improved levels of customer satisfaction, which typically results in greater customer loyalty.

Improved time and cost efficiency

OCR has drastically reduced the time and effort we need to spend on claim validation. Instead of manually reviewing and transcribing information, OCR automates the extraction of relevant data from claim documents, whether that’s receipts, product QR codes or packaging, allowing for faster processing, reduced labour costs and data capture to help with campaign insights. With better efficiency in our operations, we can pass more money back to our clients, enabling them to spend on bigger and better rewards for their customers: a win-win situation!

Enhanced accuracy

OCR also brings enhanced accuracy to the table. By automating the data extraction process, we minimise the risk of human errors that can occur during manual entry.
While concerns exist around the accuracy of AI, our data shows the opposite to be true. Quality assurance is a crucial part of our promotions, and we are continually assessing the accuracy of our claim validation processes to ensure we deliver the best results for our clients. These quality control checks consistently show that AI outperforms humans when it comes to accuracy! It is only with this proof that AI-driven OCR is the best option that we continue to use it for our clients’ promotions.

Increased productivity and strategic growth

The introduction of OCR has had a remarkable impact on our productivity and strategic growth. By automating the extraction and verification of claim data, OCR frees up valuable human resources to focus on more strategic tasks, increasing productivity and operational efficiency. No longer processing simple claims, our team can focus on more complex campaigns where the evidence provided is too complex even for AI, and further optimising our services.

Compliance assurance

Compliance is of utmost importance to us. We configure our OCR technology to adhere to industry-specific standards and regulatory requirements, ensuring that all claim data is processed correctly and in line with guidelines, especially in regards to data protection. We handle large volumes of sensitive customer data for our clients, so providing this assurance is hugely critical.

AI, specifically AI-backed OCR technology, has been a game-changer for us when supporting our clients' promotional claim validations. It has enabled us to offer a high-quality, efficient service at scale so that more of our clients' customers can enjoy a fantastic promotional experience.

In our next instalment of our Opia and AI mini-series, we’ll be talking about fraud prevention, another key area in our sales promotion delivery. While it is a service that is carried out behind the scenes, it is much more critical than many people realise.

Delve into part two of our mini-series to learn how all claims must go through robust fraud screening systems before any claim validation is carried out. Also, discover how AI tools, such as behavioural biometrics and fingerprint recognition, uncover suspicious online behaviour and how millions of data points are stored and analysed each time a claim is submitted to confirm its activity is not fraudulent.



Gran Turismo: How to boost excitement around your brand with the thrill of speed

Gran Turismo is out in cinemas on August 11, 2023. Based on the highly successful video game, this film will showcase the thrill and adrenaline of car racing. However, it also tells the real-life story of a game-player turned racing driver, where dreams become reality. With such a buzz around the first film adaptation of Gran Turismo, tapping into this market by offering cinema tickets as part of a promotion this summer will help drive excitement around your brand.

In this article, we share the insider details on the new Gran Turismo movie and how you can design cinema reward promotions around action movies like these, leveraging their anticipation to boost engagement with your brand.

What is the movie Gran Turismo all about?

There’s a lot more to this movie than just racing cars. Yet, those who enjoy the rush of racing won’t be disappointed. In the film’s sneak preview, actor Archie Madekwe, who takes the starring role of Jann Mardenborough, describes the action as "heart-pounding." Meanwhile, Orlando Bloom, who portrays Danny Moore, a Motorsports marketing executive, tells the audience to expect "body-vibrating sounds."

However, this movie has a lot more depth to it too.

Gran Turismo is based on the real-life story of Jann Mardenborough, a British professional racing driver who participated in the GT Academy and won a drive with Nissan at the Dubai 24 Hour. Sony tells the story that follows his journey through the Academy. Mardenborough beats 90,000 other participants to become their youngest champion and goes on to drive as a professional race car driver.

The official plot synopsis describes how the film portrays "the ultimate wish fulfilment tale of a teenage Gran Turismo player whose gaming skills won a series of Nissan competitions to become an actual professional race car driver.” It’s a movie about how dreams can become a reality. But getting there takes a whole load of guts, determination and dedication.

Leverage new action movies to build Cinema Rewards promotions.

When a new action movie is due to be released in cinemas, there is an immense build-up of excitement and anticipation amongst fans of the genre. And if the film is part of a franchise, whether that's a string of action movies, such as Mission: Impossible, or a high-profile video game, like Gran Turismo, there will be an existing base of devoted fans, keen to be first in the queue at the movie's launch.

You can tap into this excitement and channel it towards your brand by creating a promotion that includes cinema tickets as a reward or incentive and timing it to coincide with the film's release.

How do Cinema Rewards work?

Cinema Rewards are a creative incentive that you can use to design a promotion that will capture your audience's attention. By offering your customers this treat of a night out at the movies, you can boost motivation to buy, drive customer acquisition and strengthen loyalty.

There are many ways you could build cinema rewards into one of your brand promotions. For example, you could pair cinema tickets with a product or service to create a Gift with Purchase style promotion. Another option would be to use them as a part of a rewards program for referrals and recommendations. Time these promotions with a big film release, and you can be sure you'll generate engagement and extend the reach of your brand.

If you have any questions about how to build Cinema Rewards into your next promotion, please get in touch with our team.